Jehovah bade His sword awake,

O Christ, it woke ’gainst Thee!

Thy blood the flaming blade must slake;

Thy heart its sheath must be—

All for my sake, my peace to make;

Now sleeps that sword for me.

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Wow, love this figural reading, and great meditation for Good Friday. I’m kind of surprised John doesn’t mention the 3 hours of darkness, because allusions to 2 Samuel are all over John’s gospel, especially John 18 & 21. I recently wrote about John 21 where I believe John connects the threefold discipline in 2 Sam 24 to Peter’s threefold denial and threefold restoration. https://open.substack.com/pub/onceaweek/p/when-empire-comes-to-church-part-899?r=16589c&utm_medium=ios.

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